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  • Want to make a difference in the life of a young person? Young Life leaders show up in the lives of adolescents. Vetted and trained by experienced Young Life staff, and ranging in age from post-secondary to parents of teenagers themselves, Young Life leaders walk alongside teenagers as they navigate the unique joys and challenges of adolescence.

    Along with building consistent friendships, Young Life leaders, with the help of Young Life staff, plan and run regular events and gatherings for groups of kids, designed to build community and give young people a place to belong

  • Do you have a heart for young people, but don’t want to be on the “front lines” because teenager scare you or your time is limited by work or family commitments? Local Young Life Committees and Helpers play an important role by supporting leaders and setting them free to build relationships with teenagers.

    Common ways of helping include:

    • Hosting gatherings

    • Praying for young people

    • Advocating for teenagers

    • Communicating about Young Life to other parents and community members

    • Participating in Young Life’s fundraising efforts

    • Providing meals or snacks

    • Set up and clean up

    • Sound and projection

    • Providing rides

  • Healthy and long-lasting Young Life ministries (and non-profits of all kinds) are built on a foundation of local donors who are committed to faithfully supporting the every-day operating costs of showing up in the lives of kids day after day, week after week.

    Young Life Toronto is currently a strategic initiative generously supported by funds raised by Young Life of Canada and Young Life Ontario.  But it cannot stay in that stage forever. Our vision is that by 2025, Young Life Toronto will be fully funded by donors and foundations within Toronto.

  • Young Life is community-based and focused, and we see ourselves as part of a web of resources and relationships to help young people thrive. We love connecting with community leaders, school officials, and clergy from all denominations.


    If you know a leader in your community who cares about young people, we’d love to connect with them so we can learn how they perceive and are addressing needs of young people in our city and their community.

For Individuals

There's more than one way to get involved in caring for and reaching the youth of Toronto.

For Organizations

Young Life is just one of the many organizations working for the betterment of young people in Toronto. The needs of kids in Toronto are as diverse as the city itself.

We seek to collaborate and partner with other like-minded leaders, churches, and organizations to help teenagers find their way and thrive in this great city.

Collaborations between Young Life and similar organizations can look differently depending on available resources and local context.

We would love to meet you. Please use the form here to let us know a little more of your heart or simply let us know you'd like to connect!

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